
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This past weekend, Thursday through Saturday, I spent in Pittsburgh, PA at the National Right to Life Convention. What a great way to spend time surrounded by such loving people from all across the United States standing for such a tremendous cause. There were so many aspects of the convention which I found a blessing, not only the fellowship and commonality but the sheer vastness of knowledge. Meeting phenomenal speakers from Fr. Frank Pavone, Bobby Schildler, Brian Johnston, Lori Kehoe, Oliva Gans…the list goes on and on. They touched on every aspect of our fight for life from the bitter reality of what our country has endorsed to the beautiful love of Christ and His forgiveness and the steadfast reminder that what we do and how we act is so important because while we work lives are at stake. And just how important it is that we remain active and steadfast in this battle and return the opposition with love.

It was uplifting to see fellow young people eager and ready to do what they know is right...and heartening to have wise elders to steady the impulsive and guide with wisdom. I look forward to sharing and using the information I learned and this experience with others but most importantly for the glory of God and His will to be accomplished.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Last week at a state Right to Life meeting I was pleased to have met Devyn Nelson; a truly outstanding individual passionate for life. This past year he served as vice-president of NDSU Collegians for Life and in his year of service has become aware and formulated a plan for how we need to participate and act in the future.
Devyn sees a lot of passion but a general lack of direction. He also sees the need and support to fund-raise and rehabilitate great ideas and further awareness and understanding of pro-life issues. Finally, there is a severe lack of membership - not a lack of pro-life people but the word about pro-life groups needs to get out.
College campuses are teaming with minds, souls, and bodies of energetic young people; directed and geared in the right direction the influence for good they are capable of accomplishing is only a matter of history about to happen.
And from Devyn we have a proposal:

"I would like to create a group to connect all of the pro-life groups on college campuses across the state; a group that will serve as a resource for each of the collegiate pro-life groups. I would like this group to be able to work with individual campus pro-life groups to find ways to grow their membership; to help the individual groups to expand their vision and their influence. I want to help these groups not only learn how to fundraise, but for the newly created group to fundraise itself. I would like it to have a fund that can be tapped into by these individual groups in order to bring in speakers that can really make a difference on a student body. I would like it to be able to help organize lobby days at the state Capitol; showing our lawmakers what the future leaders of this great state believe about the issue. I would like to see our state send a group of students for the March for Life in Washington, D.C. every year, and possibly attend the Students for Life of America National Convention."

Devyn is full of energy and passion and is ready to release it across the entire state into the minds and hands of others as we continue the fight for life. Let it be your mind and your hands and we unite in this common purpose.

Devyn is attending the National Right to Life convention in Pittsburgh at the end of this month followed by six weeks at the National Right to Life Academy in Washington D.C.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Intro on the Truth about Stem Cells:

Back in March of 2009, our president, Barack Obama, signed an executive order that would require the killing of human embryos! Maybe you haven’t heard of this and maybe you have heard it said that Stem Cells are saving lives. This is true, stem cells are saving lives, but never has anyone been saved by embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells have been used to save many lives and have helped with the cure of 70 diseases. Meanwhile, the embryonic stem cells which they say they are using to “save lives” are actually only doing two things: they are killing countless precious babies and are allowing scientists to play around.

Does it really make sense to take the life of a baby when the end result is absolutely nothing? This shreds the dignity of human life. Life is so precious. The reason it is so devastating when a loved one dies is because you can never bring them back. You cannot compare life with anything else. If you lose money, books, papers…they might be hard to replace but life, life is irreplaceable.

So besides killing babies and just letting scientists mess around, embryonic cells actually have a tendency to cause tumors! And the last time I checked, that would not be a plus to any disease.

The next time you hear someone defend stem cell research…

-ask them if they are talking about Adult or Embryonic research. Did they know there was even a difference? You have to watch their phrasing!

-ask them if they’ve ever researched the topic at all. Many scientists are very open with admitting that, nope, all the embryos they’ve been working on haven’t done anything. The adult stem cells can do incredible things…but they already have proved that so…they are just going to continue trying to make embryonic stem cells prove something while they kill thousands of babies in the process?

As Pro-lifers, we are not against stem cell research! We love it! We promote it.

But our method of using Adult Stem Cells…doesn’t kill any babies. In fact, it doesn’t kill anyone. In other words, it’s family friendly. It’s user friendly. It’s ethically friendly. It’s even health friendly.

Do we need to come up with more reasons for using Adult Stem Cells verses Embryonic to prove our point? How many more lives are going to be stifled before these victims of so called “science” are recognized?